Sounds wonderful.
And impossible.
Who am I?
1. I am a teacher, but I don't really want to only write about teaching.
2. I love photography, but I am not disillusioned enough to call myself a photographer. Plus, sometimes I go through moods where I don't want to take pictures. Right now is one of those moods.
3. I am a daughter, sister, and friend.
4. I am a student. An eternal student it seems. I am working on the hard-to-attain graduate degree for the 2nd time around. Maybe more on that later...
5. I am a huge Steelers / football fan, but since I live in Baltimore I know how annoying non-Steelers fans find that fact.
6. I am a reader. I like suspense. I like page-turning dramas. Maybe a touch of romance or suspense. I do NOT like 50 Shades of Grey. Maybe I'll post more on that later too.
7. I am an introvert. I process internally. I enjoy quiet moments and time to process alone. Writing has always been a pleasure for me. Hence, the blog.
8. I am a wanna-be world-traveler. I got my first taste of it this summer!
9. I am an obsessive pinner on Pinterest.
10. I am not someone who enjoys lists.
I wish I did enjoy lists. People with lists are organized.
I am not organized.
There is a lot of things I'm not that I wish I was.
I guess I should explain the name of this blog.
Henner is a nickname.
See, I have 3 adorable little godchildren. There was a ceremony for 2 of them. The third was just welcomed into this world, but I can still claim her. They all live far away from me. The oldest one couldn't say "Heather" when she was younger. It always came out as "Henner". It kind of stuck. Really, only 4 people call me Henner. Even Oldest Goddaughter stopped and can now say Heather. I always wanted a nickname and Heather is not easily shortened.
It is now published on the internet. That makes it official.

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