Friday, December 7, 2012

It's OK Thursday (Friday edition)

Its Ok Thursdays

It's OK...

...that I am, once again, writing this list on a Friday...

...that I took a personal day off to go to NYC. Really, it's OK.

...that I wasn't at school the following day due to a training.

...and I left early today to pick up a file. OK, maybe that one isn't OK... have not bought one single Christmas present yet. have carts filled with items to by for Christmas on several different websites.

...that I LOVED that my students were so happy to see me when I came to work today. correct an adult who is trying to mess with the routines I have already set in place for my students. GRRR. love NYC so much that I googled "teaching jobs in New York" on the bus ride back home. have job jealousy of others.

...that it doesn't feel like Christmas unless I am home with my family. eat mozzarella sticks and french fries for dinner.

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