Saturday, November 10, 2012


I'm in the library, which is one of my favorite places of all time. I just sat down in a big, comfy chair, which is my favorite chair in the whole place. And I am in the study room, which is the best space in the whole library. So I am feeling pretty content.

As I was walking in this morning I was overcome with sensations. I love this time of the year. When I can wear comfy sweaters and jeans. When I can walk outside and feel sunshine but not heat. When I feel the cold, crisp air rushing past my face. When I can when my hair down and not sweat.

My roommate and I were talking this morning about how nothing tastes as good as food your mom cooked when you were little. Mostly because of the memories. As I sit in my big, comfy chair I think about my favorite sensations. These are sensations that evoke happy feelings, memories, or thoughts.

autumn leaves
the house that built me
the ocean

soft fabrics
my cat's ears
cool sheets in the winter
my hair
my Mom's hands

old tupperware containers
old library books
fall air
spring air
Snuggle Blue Sparkle fabric softener

iced tea
mashed potatoes
cheese fries with ranch dressing
macaroni and cheese

the crinkle of newspaper
crunching of leaves
crunching of snow
the squeak of hard-wood floors

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